Thursday, October 25, 2012

Christian Vote

Christian Vote, a website I created on behalf of a close friend, has garnered nearly eight hundred(800) visits in the past 48 hours. While I am admittedly surprised at this development considering that this website is only six weeks old, I am also very pleased. I'm not a spiritual person and never really have been but I strongly support the non-religious aspects of my friends' website. Liberal media bias exists. Liberals can deny this all they want but that doesn't change the fact that media bias among all the major networks(CBS, ABC & NBC) is rampant. I encourage anyone who hasn't taken a look at CHRISTIAN VOTE to do so. You may or may not agree with what is posted at this website. The main thing is check the site out. I will be updating this site in the next few days. Click on the link below to access Christian Vote.

christian vote