Thursday, November 26, 2015

Turkey day thanks

On yet another Thanksgiving Day I always like to stop, take a moment out of my busy schedule and reflect on the things I'm thankful for. Without further ado, what I'm thankful for at present:

  • "Aleve", which helps take the edge off arthritis in my joints while I work
  • Hammer horror films: when I don't feel like watching anything on TV, I can always turn to a Hammer horror movie for entertainment
  •  Coffee and tea: I probably drink too much caffeine but it helps me navigate my days, especially coffee in the AM
  • Monsterland Forums: my nearly ten year old internet message board is hanging in there. Posting activity has greatly declined but there remain a small core group of active members who continue to participate in the various forums at this board...and I'm very thankful for that!
  • "Allopurinol": this uric acid lowering prescription med, which I take daily(300mg) to prevent gout flare ups in my toes, knees, elbows and feet, allows me to continue to consume meat, albeit in smaller quanitities. 
  • The friendship of several men I have known for nearly twenty years. I don't have many friends but the ones I do have I wouldn't trade for anyone!
  • I'm still able, despite being older, to perform my work as a lawn maintenance laborer at a reasonably good level.
  • My truck, a 1997 Ford F150 has run well in the seven months that I have owned it. It was well taken care of by the gent who owned it before me and in the seven months I've owned this truck my maintenance expenses have been limited. Hopefully I can get another full year out of my truck before looking at buying a new(er) one.