Monday, November 16, 2020

Dead reckoning: THE OBLONG BOX (1969)

To get my "Hammer Film" horror movie "fix" every Halloween isn't enough for me: I also indulge in watching numerous horror films starring the incomparable Vincent Price. I managed to watch THE OBLONG BOX, produced by AIP and released theatrically in 1969.

Set in 1865 England, aristocrat Edward Markham, while on a trip to Africa, is tortured by a local African tribe, Markham's face left horribly mutilated. Julian Markham, Edward's brother (played by Vincent Price), rescues his brother from his tribal captors and returns to England with his disfigured brother. Julian locks away Edward in an upstairs room but eventually Edward escapes his captivity with revenge on his mind . . . (no other spoilers)

You'll find murder, voodoo rituals and skullduggery in THE OBLONG BOX. It's also the only film in which Vincent Price and Christopher Lee, who stars in many "Hammer" film horror movies, appear together in the same movie. Christopher Lee plays town doctor "Newhartt" in THE OBLONG BOX. 

I own the DVD but will upgrading to the Blu Ray in early 2021.

A trailer: